Lasagna gardening is a unique and popular way of creating garden beds without the need for intensive digging and tilling. Instead of using soil, lasagna gardening relies on layers of organic materials such as newspaper, leaves, grass clippings, straw, compost, and mulch. Lasagna gardening is also known as sheet composting or sheet mulching.
The goal of lasagna gardening is to create an environment where nutrients are plentiful and the soil is easily workable with no need to turn it over. The layering of organic matter slowly decomposes over time, enriching the soil beneath it with essential nutrients like nitrogen and phosphorus that help promote plant growth. Additionally, the layers act as a protective barrier against weeds and conserve moisture in the soil below them.
Lasagna gardening offers several advantages over traditional gardens including being much easier to maintain, needing less weeding and fewer pest problems. Additionally, lasagna gardens can be made anywhere – whether you’re starting from scratch or transforming existing garden beds – making it easy to fit into any size yard or area. With just a few layers of material and some basic knowledge about your plants’ needs you can have an amazing garden up and running in no time.